Geógrafo Blackqueer | Etnógrafo de Performance | Fotógrafo Amador

Joshua K. Reason. "Done with these Niggas: Revenge Fantasies and Black Female Sexuality." Journal of American Culture 42, no. 1, (2019): 37-48.
Joshua K. Reason. "The Queer Visuality of Slavery and its Afterlives." Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 7, no. 2 (2020): 55-74.
Joshua K. Reason. "Blackness, Polyamory, and Rural Sexualities in The City of the Future." The Black Scholar 53, no. 3-4 (2023): 51-62.
Portrait by Alexandria Cunningham (2020)
Outros Trabalhos
"Desire & Transnational Solidarity within the Black Queer Diaspora" by Joshua K. Reason for
"Reconceptualizing Trans-Centered Research in 21st Century Brazil" by Joshua K. Reason for LLILAS-Benson Magazine
"The Future of Ismael: Performing Queer and Trans POC Futures" a performance review by Joshua K. Reason for the QT Voices Project at UT Austin
"Os protestos antirracistas nos Estados Unidos e o direito à vida no contexto de pandemia" uma entrevista com o Centro de Comunicação, Democracia e Cidadania da Universidade Federal da Bahia.
Xir. becoming undisciplined: a zine (pp. 27-30). Santa Barbara: becoming undisciplined collective.